Do you want to expand your language skills and connect with people from different cultures? Technology has made it simpler than ever before to learn a new language, & it’s an enjoyable venture. A community of language learners from all around the globe can be found on the interactive course platform Busuu. Busuu offers a practical and efficient approach to learn a new language, whether you desire to do so for business, vacation, or personal development. But what to do when you want to start a new language in the platform? Today, we’ll demonstrate how to change language in Busuu app or website.

How do I change the language I am learning on Busuu?

Android/iOs App:

  • Open the Busuu app on your smartphone.
  • Click on the top-right flag (based on the language you are currently in).
click on current language
  • You will see your current language lesson cards. Scroll down a bit & now you can see plenty of other languages.
change language on Busu app
  • Click on any language that you want to learn. (I selected German).
  • You will see four cards (see screenshot). Click on any one based on your choice. (I selected Complete German).
select new language
  • Wait for sometime & you will see this screen: (Click on Start lesson for the first chapter).
start lesson

How to remove a language on Busuu website?

busuu login
  • On the top-right side, click on the country flag (just left to your name).
switch busuu language in website
  • Under Learn another language section, click & expand any language. (see screenshot above).
  • Click on Complete Italian.
  • Wait a moment & you will see the first lesson of your new language is loaded.
first chapter after changing language

Congratulations! You were successful in changing Busuu’s language. Through Busuu’s interactive courses and community features, you can now begin learning your new language. If you want to cancel the Busuu renewals, see this article.

Changing Interface Language in Busuu

If you want the Busuu web & app interface in your native language, follow these steps:

On App:

  • Open the app.
  • Click on the Me icon at bottom right.
  • Click on the 3-line grid at the top-right.
change interface language in Busuu app
  • Scroll down & you will find Interface Language under General settings.
select new interface language
  • Tap & select the language if your choice.
  • Restart the app for the new interface language to take effect.
  • If you want to start the same language from scratch, changing the language won’t help. You need to reset the language on Busuu for that.

On Web:

  • Open Busuu dashboard->click on your name (top-right)->Busuu Settings.
settings menu
  • Scroll down & select any language from the dropdown against Interface language.
change busuu interface language in web
  • Refresh the page.

Direct Link:

See: How do I delete my Busuu account

Troubleshooting tips

In case you run into difficulties while switching the language on Busuu, here are some troubleshooting suggestions:

  • The list of languages on Busuu is updated often, so if the language you want to learn is not there now, come back later. As an alternative, you can think about studying a language that is similar to or closely linked to the one you wish to learn.
  • Language change error: If you have a language change issue, try logging out and then back in to your account. If the issue continues to exist, try clearing your browser cache or reinstalling the Busuu app.
  • Contacting Busuu help: If you still can’t change the language on Busuu or if you run into any other problems, you can contact Busuu’s support team.

You can resolve any problems that could arise while changing the language on Busuu by using these troubleshooting suggestions, allowing you to continue uninterrupted with your language learning journey.


In the end, changing the language on Busuu is a quick and easy procedure that only requires a few steps. This blog article shows how to change the language and start using Busuu’s interactive language classes and community features.

Please feel free to use the troubleshooting advice we’ve given or get in touch with the Busuu support staff for help if you need it. You can easily learn a new language and communicate with people from across the globe with Busuu’s user-friendly design and powerful language learning tools. So why wait? Start using Busuu now to learn a new language!


Can I change the language on Busuu anytime?

By following the instructions in this blog article, you may switch Busuu’s language at any moment.

How many languages does Busuu offer?

Busuu offers 13 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and many more.

Will I lose my progress if I change the language on Busuu?

 If you switch the language on Busuu, your progress won’t be lost. Your learning history and progress will still be visible, but they will be shown in the old language you were learning earlier.

What should I do if the language I want to learn is not available on Busuu?

You can select an alternative language or consider choosing alternative language app that offers the language in question.

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