Are you struggling to learn a new language with Babbel? Though it’s not always simple, learning a new language is satisfying. Babbel is a platform for language learning that provides customised courses and progress monitoring to support your language learning objectives. However, there can be a point when you wish to start again and reset your progress on Babbel. If you accidentally saved your progress, want to start a new language from scratch, or want to review the basics, restarting your language progress on Babbel can be a useful way. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to reset progress on Babbel & start any language from scratch.

How to Reset Progress on Babbel

Steps to Reset Progress on Babbel

Can you reset your Babbel progress from app or website? We have checked the Babbel’s app and website, and found that there is no direct way to reset the language that you’re learning. However, you can contact Babbel’s customer service at [email protected] and request for a reset.

However, in Babbel, there is a review manager section. When you visit it, you can revisit any lesson for as many number of times as you like. So, there is no concrete reason to reset the progress. Doing so will delete all your personal progress & Vocab.

babbel review manager

Even if you want to go ahead for a reset, write an email like this:

To: [email protected]

Subject: Reset my Progress- French Language

Hi Team, I want to clear my progress in the ongoing French course.

I am well aware about the repercussions or doing a reset. Please do the needful.



It’s essential to remember that when you clear your progress on Babbel, all progress monitoring for the language will be deleted. If you want to track your progress, mark each lesson as completed as you go.

Please be careful of the Delete Babbel account option under Settings menu. Doing so will permanently delete your account entirely.

Reasons to Clear Course Progress on Babbel

Why most students want to reset the progress they made? These are the top 3 reasons:

  • Accidental progress tracking: It’s possible that you unintentionally skipped a course or checked off a task before understanding it completely. If you later realise you didn’t understand the content, resetting your progress can help you review those lessons and build a solid foundation.
  • Start from Scratch: Resetting your progress is the best course of action if you wish to start learning a new language on Babbel from scratch. With no concern for prior progress monitoring, you can begin small and work your way up in this manner.
  • Wanting to revisit the basics: There can be a point when you want to go back over the fundamentals of a language, even if you’ve previously made progress. Resetting your progress can help you start over and focus on the basics, whether it’s to review what you already know or to refresh your mind after a break.

Tips for Starting Fresh on Babbel

  • Set realistic goals: It’s important to set realistic goals when starting again. Avoid taking on too much at once to avoid becoming overwhelmed and losing enthusiasm. Set more modest objectives at first, like finishing one class each day, and work your way up from there.
  • Focus on areas of weakness: Consider your areas of weakness and concentrate on them as you begin again. Consider the places in the past where you suffered. Since repetition is essential to learning a language, don’t be hesitant to go over courses you found challenging.
  • Utilize Babbel’s review feature: Use Babbel’s review tool to go over content you’ve already studied. Babbel includes a review option built right in. Utilise this feature often to solidify your understanding and make sure you’re remembering what you’ve learnt.
  • Track progress accurately after resetting: Mark each lesson as completed as you work through it. This allows you in monitoring your development and maintaining motivation as you continue to study.
  • Don’t share accounts: Sharing you Babbel account with friends mean if they reset a language, it will reset for you too & you will loose all progress. Hence, refrain doing so.

Can you skip to a higher level in Babbel?

Yes, it is possible to jump to a higher level in Babbel, but unless you are certain of your knowledge of the language, it is not advised. Babbel provides language placement exams so you can evaluate your level of skill and go on if you fulfill the criteria.

Additionally, you can start with a higher level on Babbel if you have studied a language in the past and have some background knowledge.

However, bear in mind that each level builds on the one before it, so moving too quickly might result in knowledge gaps. Before going on to more complicated subjects, it’s crucial to make sure you have a strong foundation.


In the end, Babbel’s reset progress feature is a helpful tool for language learners who wish to start again or review the fundamentals. By resetting your progress and beginning again, you can take control of your language learning experience and reach your objectives with Babbel. Babbel’s tailored lessons and progress monitoring tools can help you become fluent in a new language whether you are a beginner or an expert student.


Can I reset progress for just one language on Babbel, or does it reset progress for all languages?

On Babbel, you can only reset the progress for one language at once. You must do this for each language separately if you wish to reset progress for several languages.

Will clearing my progress on Babbel delete my account?

Your account won’t be deleted if you reset your Babbel progress. You’ll still be able to log into your account and go on with your studies as usual.

Will resetting my progress on Babbel delete all of my completed lessons?

No, restarting your progress on Babbel won’t remove the lessons you’ve already finished. All of the previous classes you’ve completed will still be available to you.

Can I undo a progress reset on Babbel?

No, resetting your progress on Babbel is a permanent action and cannot be undone. Make sure you’re certain before proceeding.

Will resetting my progress on Babbel affect my progress tracking for certificates and milestones?

Yes, resetting your progress on Babbel will affect your progress tracking for certificates and milestones. You’ll need to start fresh on those as well.

Can I reset my progress multiple times on Babbel?

On Babbel, you’re able to reset your progress as often as you’d like. However, keep in mind that doing so would permanently destroy any progress tracking for the language you’ve selected and will reset your progress.

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